Drag Racing
Scale Drag Racing is run every Thursday night starting at 7:00pm.
Please keep an eye on the Facebook page for more information.
Please click HERE for the Drag Racing Calendar for 2025
2024/2025 Drag Racing Rules please click HERE
Race for as little s $3.00 per car.
Once a Month we will run our Pro Class cars on Saturday Nights to give our heavy hitters a shot as setting track or national records.
Spectators are always welcome and we live stream our race nights each Thursday.
Outlaw Slot Cars provides the racer with ample pit facilities (powered), Multiple screens to review their Times and soon to be time slip printer. Our track is powered by 2 Rivergate power supplies with 50 Farrad capacitors. Our Braid is a wider tinned copper braid and underneath the track there is 2 gauge power cable running underneath with power tapes every 2 meters. When you complete the run, we also have win lights and read out boards at the finish line to give the racer a real world experience. Our aim is to have the quickest track in the country.